Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Simon's vacay

Simon's off starting tomorrow till Tuesday and I'm sooo esctatic and stoked and happy!!!!!!

We have plans to go down to SoCal for a mini-vacay but with these CA fires everywhere down in Ventura County, LA, Orange County our tripped may be cancelled and postponed to a later day. So i won't be to disappointed if we have to cancel, i'd rather be safe than sorry. We'd have to cancel on Friday. I heard the fires won't be contained till next week because they are soo large and the winds are soo strong spreading it.

We were planning on meeting up with one of my friends i haven't seen in 3 years- going out to dinner and Disneyland. Si was going to take me to San Clemente and show me where he lived when we "meet". If our vacay gets cancelled i think we're gonna head over to bakersfield and go to pf changs, since we were going to go there in So Cal!! yum i can taste it already!! :) i can't wait to eat pf changs.

Hopefully tomorrow and Friday we'll spend straightening and cleaning up around here since that needs to be done as well.

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